Holy Hell…It’s Time for “Happy Holidays”

YAAAAY...it's that time again...aaand yay (insert sarcasm here) it's THAT time again.  It's time for pie prepping, turkey carving, carol singing, and bell ringing...this a joyous time indeed! Kid's are smiling, money's flying, bows are tying...holidays are here!   The start of the holiday season fills me with childlike glee! Buuut...(Self-disclosure time...Yippee Frickin Skippee) every year,… Continue reading Holy Hell…It’s Time for “Happy Holidays”

Serving my feelings…

You  may ask...what exactly does it mean to "Serve Your Feelings"? Welp...I'm no expert but here's an abridged, personally curated version...It essentially means... Responding to an emotional trigger in a manner that only validates how you feel and what you think; not considering any other parties involved, potential consequences of your response, or room for… Continue reading Serving my feelings…